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Next-Gen Quality Control Internet of Robotics Things System (NGQC IoRT)

By 28.05.2021August 2nd, 2023Featured

Controlar’s latest R&D project approved by COMPETE aims to improve the production capacity and the quality of the processes at one of the automotive plants of the PSA Group (now part of Stellantis), in Mangualde, Portugal.

This new project falls within the scope of the PSA Suppliers Club, with a consortium led by Controlar which is composed by INL (International Nanotechnology Laboratory), FEUP (OPorto Faculty of Engineering) and PSA Mangualde.

The project complies with the following aspects: 

  • Environmental and energy monitoring system of the Mangualde WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plant);
  • Visual inspection system for quality inspection of external auto parts;
  • Portable, configurable and reprogrammable robotic system to control different defects in any PSA Mangualde workstation;
  • A platform that aggregates all the new capabilities and developments of the project, with the possibility of monitoring different processes at a central level.

NGQC IoRT will empower Controlar to consolidate its know-how and expertise in the area of ​​visual inspection, collaborative robotics and IoT systems unlocking significant growth opportunities.

Controlar - NGQC IoRT