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Carbon Footprint: Result of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)

By 09.02.2024February 3rd, 2025Featured

CDP Report reveals companies’ environmental footprints and sustainability efforts. 

Global warming, caused by greenhouse gas emissions, is having increasingly negative impacts on the planet, such as extreme weather phenomena, deterioration of air quality, and worsening of human health and that of all other species. The path of sustainability is therefore crucial for the preservation of our planet and must be followed by everyone consistently and continuously.

Initiatives such as the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), by publicly disclosing the results of organizations’ ecological footprint, play a fundamental role in raising awareness of companies’ performance and commitment to reducing their emissions.

This year, we once again disclose the carbon footprint of Controlar Group on the internationally recognized platform by the CDP.

We obtained a B rating, which exceeds the average of our industry sector and the global average of all registered companies. This result reflects Controlar Group’s continuous effort towards emissions reduction.

Despite the good performance, we still have a long way to go to achieve our Carbon Neutrality goal by 2040.

Check the full report

Controlar CPS Score



Our path to carbon neutrality

232 tCO2e*








2040: carbon neutrality


*in accordance with Greenhouse Gas Protocol – Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard