Led by Continental Advanced Antenna, the project joins Controlar, the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD) and the Portuguese Telecommunications Institute (IT).
Controlar integrates collaborative robots to create safer production lines for employees and increase the company's performance index.
The PRiiMe (Piston Rings intelligent inspection Machine) project is led by Controlar, with the participation of MAHLE Portugal and CCG.
Controlar obtained a zero non-conformities result at ISO 27001 Information Security Management System and ISO 9001, 14001 and NP 4457 Quality Management System audits.
Controlar developed an automated disassembly machine with the goal of recovering components that would otherwise be considered waste.
Within the Personal Protective Equipment to be produced, surgical masks, caps and boot covers stand out.
Lei Xiaoliang will be responsible for the technical and commercial local support, reinforcing Controlar assistance to its clients.